Low Fat, Organic, Vegetarian Spelt (Triticum spelta)is an ancient grain. Spelt is a member of the same grain family but is an entirely different species and has certain properties which make it in many respects quite different. Its value as a food source and its ability to be tolerated by many people with wheat sensitivities becomes more widely known. Due to spelt’s high water solubility, the grain’s vital substances can be absorbed quickly into the body. The nutrients are made available to the entire organism with a minimum of digestive work. The body cells are then nourished, strengthened, and prepared for their optimal performance while the body is flooded with vitamins and other nutritional substances.

Spelt contains more protein, fats and crude fibre than wheat and also has large amounts of Vitamin B17 (anti-carcinoma). It also contains special carbohydrates which play a decisive role in blood clotting and stimulate the body’s immune system so as to increase its resistance to infection.The total protein content of spelt varies from 13.1 – 14.28% depending on climate and soil conditions. It is higher than soft wheat (10.5%) and spring wheat (9.1%) but similar to durum wheat (13.8%). The sequence of Amino acids also differs between spelt and wheat, spelt containing more cystine, isoleucine, leucine, methionine and neurotransmitters, phenylalanine and tryptophane.

The numbers become more significant when you look at the multiple benefits of Spelt. White spelt flour is higher in protein, making the white flour products nutritionally beneficial which is not the case with wheat flour. Spelt is rich in protein, and these proteins contain all of the nine essential amino acids needed by the human body. These amino acids are called “essential” because the body cannot manufacture them.

If you don’t eat them, you don’t get them.Consumers who tend to be cynical about the value of amino acids in our bodies should check out a partial list of the tasks they assist with:

  • Reducing joint inflammation
  • Preventing hair, skin and nail disorders
  • Lowering cholesterol
  • Reducing liver fat
  • Protecting kidneys
  • Reducing bladder irritation
  • Relaxation
  • Stress and depression reduction
  • Relieving migraine headaches
  • Assisting the immune system
  • Reducing the risk of artery and heart spasms.
  • Calcium absorption
  • Collagen formation
  • Antibody, hormone and enzyme production
  • Transmission of signals between the nerve cells and the brain
  • Maintaining alertness
  • Memory improvement
  • Digestive and intestinal tract functioning
  • Muscle coordination
  • Mental vigor
  • Manufacture of other essential biochemical components
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